Thursday, September 15, 2011

Andie from Crayon Freckles!

Who is ready for another guest blogger?  I am so excited to have Andi Jaye from crayon freckles over!  Andie is a super sweet blogger who has so many wonderful talents.  She blogs about crafts she does with her little one, crafts, she even has an Etsy shop with some fabulous printables.  Enough of me....lets here from Andie!

hello dolls!  my name is andie.  i have a lil blog called crayon freckles.  i started it last winter as a way to beat the winter blahs and network with other sahm mommas.  christy has been awesome enough to let me do a guest post over here today!

our family is gearing up for the transition to fall.  this is my faVoRiTE sEAsoN of the year!! i love the crunch and smell of the leaves, the amazing colors that the trees turn, and of course, fOOtbaLL!

that being said, it's time for us to send out another card along with the kid's latest pics. i tend to dread whole family photos, because no matter how many shots we take, there's always one person that isn't happy with how they look. so this year, i'm going around that with this:

it's fairly straightforward... i'm horrible about in-the-process shots.  the tree collage was done by tracing our family's haNDpRinTs on scrapbook paper and arranging them on a paper tree.  the fallen leaves were cut out of another piece of scrapbook paper.  kind of embarrassing to admit, but this was arranged on the top of my file cabinet.  (it was the only big enough space that was the right color).  after it looked how i wanted it to, i stood above it and took a picture. natural lighting is really best for most shots like this, because harsh shadows can be eliminated since you aren't using a flash.

now, hErE's tHe fUN paRT

i uploaded the photo i took to  they are a fREE photo-editing site with tons of really neat and fun editing tools.  ((there are only a few tools that you have to pay for and if you aren't a "premium" member, they just aren't available to you (no hidden charges).  the premium membership is abuot $25 a year.  this is my 2nd year using it. not only can you edit pictures, but you can make photo cards, collages, and much more.))

so.... after uploading pics, there is an editing bar across the top.  the basic edits are for cropping, coloring, exposure, etc.  i cropped the picture so that just my collage showed, then i used the 60's effect from the "effects" section.  if you're new to this site, the best thing to do is just pLaY aRouND with your picture.  you can undo and redo edits if you mess up. 

once my picture was how i wanted it, i made it into a collage using one of the collage templates.  i added my text (they have tons of fonts and colors!)  lastly, i added some fall stickers from the "seasonal tab."  and it was ready to go!  the whole thing probably took me about 1.5 hours.  fun, mommy craft time! and now that i'm done with them, i'll upload them to wal-mart and have them printed out. 

hopefully my post has iNsPiREd you in some way.  feel free to contact me via email with any questions.  stop on by crayon freckles and check out our homeschooling preschool activities, my crafts, and all our other goodies!


Thanks so much to Andie for sharing this! I love it. Please stop by her blog and say hi, she does some super fun things!

1 comment:

  1. Love Ms. Andie Jaye from Crayon Freckles!
    The card is beautiful, I love finding ways to make things with my children, it is a great gift idea and also helps you chronicle the growth of your children with the size of little fingers!


I {Heart} Commenting Cuties!