Monday, August 1, 2011

Organize Everything

I have this pesky drawer in my master bathroom. It just keeps entirely too much junk in it, and it stays unorganized. I can't stand it. And I know it has nothing to do with me.....the drawer just hates me. Seriously! ;)
Here is the before.....

Add some cute $1 baskets and Voila!  It's so much better.  And, I actually know what I already have, so I don't have to buy it again!  HA!

I will be linking up to these parties.

Have A Wonderful Day!!


  1. i am in midst of an organizing spree. How many times can one say "Oh- I wondered where that had gone" or "I guess I don't need to buy more yet."
    I have areas of my house (and many drawers) that hate me too.

  2. What a difference some little baskets can make! Great idea!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  3. Great tip! I dont know what happened but I just saw your comment on my post from like 3 weeks ago. I'm sorry I didn't respond! Thanks for visiting. I'm following you now!

  4. I need to do this too! Thanks so much for taking the time to link to my thrifty thursday link party. Hope to see you again this week :)


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