Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hanging Jewelry Box

Here is another amazing project my mom has done. (Along with the help of my dad) They made a custom Jewelry Box. My mom also makes jewelry. So, she has a TON of it. None of the normal boxes were big enough. With the help of some wood, power tools and some "details", they whipped this baby up!
This picture isn't very good.  It's hard to take a good one of something so large. At least for me.  ha!  The front has one of the full length mirrors you can buy at Wal*Mart.

There are sections on both sides for jewelry.

A close up of the way the necklaces are hanging.

These little "boxes" separate the sections.  AND, they are removable!  HOW AMAZING?

Her bracelet rods are removable as well.  How else would she get them off and put them on.  Hello!  Yes, I was totally bragging about that at first.....till I realized they HAD to be removable if she wanted to wear any of them.  LOL 

There is another "box" below the bracelets for more loose things. 

I am totally jealous!  As soon as I get a bigger house, I will definitely be asking for one as a "gift".

Have A Wonderful Day!!


  1. WOW! That is like the mother of all jewelry boxes! I'm jealous too. :)

  2. That is wonderful. I am going to make my own armoire!


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