Wednesday, August 31, 2011

It's a hair thang....

Ok,ok, so I'm going to be completely wrapped up in myself for a moment and see if I can get some of your opinions!

It is WAY overdue for me to get a cut on this head of mine. WAY overdue! And I have a little problem when it comes to choosing a hair cut. I have a round face. There are so many cute cuts out there, but they are always on small faces. So, I need your help! If you would be so kind and give me your opinion. :)

Here is a picture of my face. Sorry, best one I could find.

Here are my options that I like.

If you would be so kind as to telling me the number of the picture that you like, I would greatly appreciate it! :)  I promise I will show you what I decided to go with.


Pin It

Whelp, it's that time of the year again. Football is everywhere. I have never really been a fan of football.....I know....Gasp!  My hubby however....uhhh, he may have a problem.  He will NOT miss a game.  He doesn't care if his precious Vols are winning or loosing, he is there screaming at the tv.  HA! 

Yes, I know all football watchers are doing this during the game, I still just do not understand it. :)

Anywhooo, a few weeks ago Homemaker in Heels did a great football wreath.  Now, before you go check her out please know that I do not support, nor condone anything about the team she is advertising.  LOL  You will understand when you go check hers out.  BUT, it did make me have an Ah-ha moment.

Here is what I came up with....

Of course, I put it straight up on the front door wanting the hubby to notice it when he came home from work.  But, in true male form.....he didn't realize anything! UGH!  Men! I just couldn't wait for him to finally notice, whenever that may be.  So of course I then went and opened the door so that he could ooohhh and aaaahhhh, and I could get some Praise for being the best wife EVER, of course! ;0)

I will be linking to these fab parties!

Have a fabulous day!!

If you have not entered the UPrinting giveaway, you can do so here!

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hooo Are You?

YAY!  it's time for another Hoo are you?  Here are this weeks questions:

1. What are some of your pet peeves?
Slow Drivers! Slow Drivers! Slow Drivers!  Do I need to say it again?? lol

2. Do you have a favorite or lucky number?
Nope, can't say that I do.

3. What is one of your family traditions?
Every Friday night we watch a family movie and have pizza night in the living room.  The kids LOVE it, and honestly its my favorite night of the week!

4. Is there anything you are OC about?
Well, i wouldn't call it obsessive compulsive...but I LOVE to see the vacuum lines in the carpet when I vacuum....every day.  OK, maybe oc just a little. :)

5. What is your favorite kind of food?
Mexican, or Chinese.  I seriously think I was born to the wrong nationality. lol

There's my answers!  What are yours?  Join the party over on Night Owl Crafting!


Guest Blogger Series

Only two more days until our guest bloggers start!  I am too excited!!  We will kick it off with Maury from A Fabuless Home!  You will not want to miss this...I PROMISE!  She has went above and beyond for us and I can't wait for you all to see how talented she is!

If you would like to guest post, please let me know. I would Love to have you.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Art in Space

Don't you just love all of the things your kiddos make for you?  From school crafts, to coloring at home, crafts from the gym, stuff made at church, you can get a nice little pile of things to "display" from your kids....especially when you have 3!

My boys are at that age to where they are heartbroken when I talk about throwing something out, and not putting it up or keeping it.  I have even started folders to take to the grandparents and share the "love". ha! 

While browsing Pinterest (of course) I found some super way to display all of that art!  What?  You didn't realize I was on Pinterest yet??  Why yes I am!  You can follow me by clicking this follow button on my sidebar! ;)  I'll follow you back!  There's just too much goodness on that site to find it all alone, right??

Anyway, I have been trying to find a way to make it "themed" like their room.  Their room is done in planets.  They LOVE it, and honestly, it really is my favorite room in the house.  Oh, you want to see pictures of their room, too??  OK, I will be sure to clean it soon so you can see it, too! ;)

Gosh, I'm rabbit trailing bad, huh?  Thanks for sticking with me!

Here is what I found while at Hobby Lobby the other day:
 I already had everything on hand except for the "planets".  Those were $1.99 a piece at Hobby Lobby.  L.O.V.E.  I nailed in a hanger on the back.
 Added a hook to the front.
 And there ya go!  Of course, I still have plenty of clips to add more....but wouldn't you know it I couldn't find any artwork after putting this up??  lol
 And this has to be my most favorite thing ever at the moment. "You are my God and I will give you Thanks".  From Kaleb's class at church.  It makes my heart so happy!

The boys are so excited, and it matches.

I will be linking up to these fab parties!

Have an Amazing Day!!

**If you have not entered the UPrinting giveaway, you can do so here!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Laundry diaries....

If you have boys, then you are familiar with finding "odd" things in the washer or dryer while doing laundry.  There have been many times when this has been true for me.  Many times of finding blocks, stickers, plastic toys....maybe even some plastic bugs.

Well, this was one of those days....or so I thought.  After getting all of the laundry out of the washer this is what I found......
At first I thought gesh, another toy lizard.  Then, after taking a close look, with a flashlight.......I realized....dom, dom, dom.....
OMG....can you see it???  I have NEVER seen a "fake" lizard to have a was SO REAL.....WAS is the correct term.....since it was obviously drowned to his death.  Gag!  I seriously made my 5 year old pick it up and throw it into the trash.  LOL

And if that wasn't bad enough.  When his brother came home from school of course he needed to see the dead lizard that Kaleb threw out....and of course my only girl picked it up and squished the guts out of it.  Sorry, didn't take pics of that....I know you all are bummed, right??  :(  EEEeeeKKKkkk.

Please tell me I'm not the only one this happens too?? 

Be careful out there y'all, while doing laundry.  There's some scary stuff in them there washers. 

If you have not entered to win the UPrinting giveaway, you can do so here!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Lace Earrings

If you have not entered my UPrinting giveaway, you can do so here!  There are VERY low enteries.  Everyone likes FREE stuff, right? 

In my effort to become more "girly" I have decided it was time to get creative and make some lace "doily" earrings.  Are you ready for a lot of pictures?? 

Here is what I used:
Scrap lace fabric
Old Earrings

In a bowl combine 1/4 cup water, with 1/4 cup glue.  (Or however much you think you need, as long as it is equal parts glue and water.)

Instead of buying new "findings" for the earrings, I just took apart some that I never wore anyway. Take apart your earrings.  (I have plans coming soon for the feathers!  Stay tuned. ;))

Cut out your "doilies".

Here they are cut out.

Cover them with your glue mix. (Squeeze out the excess so their not dripping wet.)

Lay them out to dry. (I put mine on the un-shiny side of freezer paper.)

Once dried, add your hook.

 Here they are done!

Please tell me you love them??  I do!  Now, I just  have to figure out what to wear them with.  Ha!

I will be linking up to these fab parties!!

Have A Fantabulous Day!

Riley's Masterpiece

If you have not entered the UPrinting giveaway you can do so, here!  There are VERY low enteries....ok, none at the moment. :( 

While trying to come up with idea's to make Riley's room have a few personal things in it, I came up with an idea.  Why not let her do her own artwork for her bedroom?  She loves to paint, so that was what we did.

Here is what she used:
 Riley at work....ssshhhhhh.
 Perfections takes so much concentration.
 End result.  I even helped her with the "signature".  I held her finger and marked it.  I know these will be kept somewhere in the house for the rest of my life.  I {heart} them something crazy!

I will be linking to these fab parties.

Have a wonderful day, y'all!  Yep, I just said Y'all.  lol

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

UPrinting Giveaway

Who's ready for another giveaway?? I AM!

UPrinting is a high quality online printing service.  They offer business cards, flyer's, canvas prints, brochures and so much more.

UPrinting is very easy to use.  They offer many ways of designing your own products as well.  You are able to design what you want using their fonts and colors, or you can upload your own artwork to use.  They even offer a free proof to make sure you are happy with what you have designed.

UPrinting is also "Green".  They use Vegetable/Soy-Based Inks, as well as Recycled Paper Types.
 One lucky reader will win a set of brochures from UPrinting.  UPrinting gave me a choice between what I could giveaway, and I chose brochures because I know there are many people that have their own craft business.  I thought about what a great way to use this giveaway than to be able to print out brochures that anyone could use with a business or something else.  Agree??

There are so many options with their brochures as well.  They have great brochure templates, as well as print brochures.

 A trifold brochure.
A half fold.

And many more. 

Prize Details:
50 pcs Brochure printing for One (1) Winner
8..5" x 11"
100lb Paper Gloss
With Folding (Half Fold, Trifold/Letterfold, Z-Fold, Roll Fold, Accordion Fold),
Outside and Inside Printing
2 Business Days Turnaround
*Free shipping
Restriction: Limited to *US residents 18 years old and above only

**If you have won this in the past 6 months, you are not eligible.
 **The winner will be contacted directly by UPrinting no later than the end of September for prize claim.
** This giveaway will end August 31st.

Want to know how to enter?
1.  Become a follower of Christy's Cuties!

For extra enteries....
Like Uprinting on Facebook
Like Christy's Cuties on Facebook
Tell me what the best giveaway you have ever won was  (fun right?)

Good Luck!

I have not been monetarily compensated for this giveaway, I will receive a set of brochures for my time by the sponsor UPrinting.

A Birthday Gift

When in the Military you meet so many women.  You definitely have to weed through and find the ones that you want to keep around.  After 10 years, I feel like I have finally done this.  Another thing with the Military is that as soon as you get close with some people, they leave.  Luckily for me, my good group has all be around for a while now....and it looks like they will get to be around for a few more years at least.  Hopefully until we retire.  HA!

One of those fabulous women had a birthday a few weeks ago.  She's a country WV girl.  She's not flashy, and very simple.  I {heart} this lady so much.  Defiantly one we will be getting together with no matter where we all live.  I decided she deserved something more than just a regular drop in the store and pick something out.  So I really tried to make her some cute things.

The head wrap you may remember from this post.  I liked mine so much, I made her one. ;)  The bracelet on the bottom is just like the one from this post.  I have had so many complements on it that I decided to make another one for her.  The other two flowers are new.  I had never made them until now, but I have been wanting too.

 Package them in some cute stuff, meant for a lovely lady!

 And she seemed to like them.  YAY!  Below is our "little" group.  The Birthday girl is the one in the bottom, front.  It was a fabulous dinner celebration with the girls.

I will be linking up to these fab parties!

Have  A Fabulous Day!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Versatile Blogger

What? I've been given another award?? Yep! I'm tellin ya, this birthday of mine just keeps getting better! L.O.V.E.

Jacque from Jacque's Soda Parlor was nice enough to give lil ole me The Versatile Blogger award!  How sweet is that?  I've seen this award around, and wondered if I would ever be lucky enough to proudly display it. :)  Thanks so much Jacque!

After accepting the Versatile Blogger Award, the blogger must:

1. Thank the person who gave the award and link back to them in your post.
2. Share seven things about yourself
3. Pass this award along to 10 recently discovered blogs

7 Things about me.....
1.  I am a beauty school drop graduation day for me.  (You know you have the song from Greese stuck in your head now!)  lol
2.  I still have my Tonsils.
3.  I LOVE reality TV.
4.  The only books I will read are Reality TV stars books. (I know, I know)
5.  I HONESTLY get so giddy to see a comment and follower on my blog, no matter how big or small.
6.  I still don't know what I wan to be when I grow up.
7.  I'm a Preacher's Kid!
I will be passing The Versatile Blogger award on to these blogs!
1.  Giggles Galore
2.  Kreative Korner
3.  lil Pink Pocket
4.  Moore Babies
5.  My lil Pumpkin Patch
6.  One Artsy Momma
7.  Not So Artsy
8.  simple. happy.
9.  Smallbirdie
10.The Examined Life

Hoo are you?

YAY! It's time for another Hoo are you??

This weeks questions are:

1. Do you prefer to use a regular pencil or mechanical pencil?
Regular, the mechanical always break.

2. What is your favorite color in the crayon box?
Pink of course! :)

3. Bottled glue or glue stick?
Does glue gun work?? lol Ok, ok, glue stick.

4. calculator or do it in your head?
Calculator all the way baby!

5.Favorite subject while in High School?
Math/algebra.....kinda takes away from the last answer, huh?? LOL Maybe the calculator is why I liked it so much, though. ;)

Now it's your turn! Head on over to Night Owl Crafting and join the fun!

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a fabulous day!