Friday, July 22, 2011

Whose been given an award?? I HAVE!

I am too excited! Ya see, I have made a fantastic bloggy buddy in Crayon Freckles.  I highlighted her last week when I was so excited to do a guest post over on her blog.  As I said then, check her out when you can.  She's a DOLL!!
So, what award was I given?  The Leibster Award!

The Liebster Award is an Award that is given to smaller blogs, with less than 300 followers.  And in return you are supposed to award this to 3-5 other blogs as well!  The blogs I have decided to award this to are:

Freckles & Fun
A Fabuless Home
The Little Giggler

Along with passing on the award, I am supposed to tell you 7 things about myself!  HHHmmmmm.....

1.  I talk in my sleep.  I wonder what I say??
2. I only own four of our 16 drawers we have in our bedroom! The hubby seriously has a clothes addiction!

3.  My all time FaVoRiTe movie is Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!!
4.  I love the smell of Gasoline, while pumping it into the car.
5.  I never wear lipstick or lip gloss.  I don't know why, I like it....just never think about putting it on. (And I used to be a Mary Kay Consultant, go figure).  HA!

6.  I ate Mexican 5 days a week while pregnant with my second son, Kaleb!  That was my only craving......that I have yet to get over.
7.  I have blog post scheduled for weeks away!  LOL  Am I the only one that does this?? ;)

Well, that's it!  Thanks so much again to Crayon Freckles!  It took me a few hours to think of some things to tell all my amazing readers.....and hopefully not bore you to death!

Have A Wonderful Day!!

1 comment:

I {Heart} Commenting Cuties!