Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hoooo Are You??

Hello All! Its Tuesday, which means it's time for another Hoo are you? :)
1. Have you ever attended a professional sports game?
Yes, this year the kids and I attended our first baseball game! Minor leagues count, right? lol

2. Have you ever been to a concert and if so which one was your
ultimate favorite performance?
NKOTBSB!(New Kids on the Block, and Back Street Boys) This year! I have been to a few concerts, but this one is by FAR the best I have ever been too.

3. Have you ever been to Disneyland or Disney World?
Nope, but we hope to take the kids within the next few years.

4. What is your favorite theme park?
I do not really have a favorite. I'm not much for rides...except the scrambler. LOL

5. Do you have a favorite vacation spot?
Not really. A few years ago the hubby and I went to Niagra Falls and it was AMAZING! But, other than that, we haven't been anywhere. So...I don't really have much to choose from. ;)

There are my answers....what are yours??

Hope on over and join the party!



  1. I remember being so jealous of my friends who went to a BSB concert in High School!!

  2. ahhh NKOTBSB... I used to love both of them so much growing up! Especially BSB! I've heard they put on a great show.
    and hopefully Minor Leagues count, otherwise I need to change my answer :)

  3. Came from Night Owl Crafting.

    Great getting to know you!



I {Heart} Commenting Cuties!