Thursday, July 28, 2011

Blog love

Hi friends! I woke up this morning as a normal Thursday.  I woke up kinda late so when the kids woke they were already screaming for food. Blah. Then, I thought, great, I also have Zumba today! LOL I love zumba!  Really.  But, some days I just hate leaving the house to work out. I know I've got to be the only one that feels this way about exercise, right? ;)  Anywho, so when I got the chance to log on the computer this morning it totally changed my day around. 
I found out that I was featured for my Porchalicious porch over on Ginger Snap Crafts!  Woot Woot!  THEN,  Crayon Freckles passed another award onto me. :)  YAY!  I seriously love blogging.  And to see that some people really do care about what I do, is just amazing to me!  I did not even expect for my blog to get out to more than just my family.  To have almost 50 followers......WOW!  I *heart* each and every one of you, too!  You have no idea of the fuzzy feeling I get when I see a sweet comment, or a new follower....Ok, if your a blogger then you probably do!   But still! 

Ok, sorry I'm rambling.

Here are the rules for the award:

1. Copy the award image into a post.
2. List 10 things that make you happy.
3. Tag 10 bloggers who brighten your day.
4. Put in a link to their blogs.
5. Notify the award receivers.
6. Recipients should link back to the sender’s blog.
7. 10 things that make me happy.

Things that make me happy! (in no particular order)
1. Staying home with my kiddos.
2. Living in the "country"....ok, outside of city limits at least.
3. Crafting
4. Seeing pictures of my cutie pie niece that we don't get to live close too.
5. Ice cream
6. Finding hidden money in my old purses.
7. Calm- Rainy days
8. Hearing I love you, mom.
9. Friday night movies and pizza with my family.
10. Blogging, of course!

The 10 Blogs I love are....(in no particular order)
1. Artzy Fartzy Momma
2. Freckles and Fun
3.Homemaker in Heels
4.Ladybird Ln.
5. A Glimpse Inside
6. Fingerprints on the Fridge
7. Thrifty and Fabuless
8. Heart Break Kids
9. Ladybug Blessings
10. Thrift Store Rock Star

Of course, there are MANY more...but most of the other ones I love are HUGE and probably would laugh if little ole me passed along an award. HA!

There ya go!  Thanks so much again, Andie Jaye!

1 comment:

  1. aww thanks!! :) I loved learning all those things about you. Congrats on 50 followers (round it up, it's close enough!) and all your features! If you ever want to guest post on my blog, I would love to have you. Keep up the amazing work!


I {Heart} Commenting Cuties!