Saturday, June 25, 2011

Savings Saturday

If you are in the Military there are a ton of ways you can save money when shopping.  Of course, shopping on post at the PX is the main way because  you will not be charged a sales tax.  However, did you know that the PX will also match prices?  All you have to do is bring in an advertisement showing the same item cheaper at a different store or a printable price from online and the PX will match that price.  I have noticed that just because the PX is "supposed" to be cheaper, on some items they are not.  So, make sure to shop around and find the best price.  If you are able to save $25 on a large item by price matching, and then save the sales tax you will walk out saving a bundle. :) 

Besides normal couponing at the Commissary, did you know you can get Military Store coupons mailed to your door??  I just recently found out about the Commissary Shopper site!  Fill in your information and they will send you more your mailbox!  How amazing??

For all my non-military readers, I apologize this will not help you at all.  BUT, stay tuned for next week!  I promise to include more money saving tips, for our furry families. :) 

Have A Wonderful Day!!


  1. That's pretty cool that they will match prices. Great tips!

    I am your newest follower, and I would like to invite you to the Follow Us Monday Morning blog hop at Frugality Is Free.

  2. Thanks. I didn't realize that until recently, either. :) I am very glad!


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