Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Riley's Surgery

Last week my sweet Riley finally had her mouth surgery. It has been over a month since taking her to the dentist the first time to find out how many things she had wrong with her poor teeth. It's so crazy how teeth come through genetics. My oldest, Luke, has perfect teeth. He has some gaps, but has never had any serious problems. He gets his teeth after my hubby, obviously. My youngest two....not so lucky. They both get their teeth from me. I do the exact same things with all of them...they eat the same things...they drink the same things....but the youngest two have nothing but problems with their teeth. :(

Riley had to have three teeth removed and spacers put in. She also had to have two cavities fixed and some siliver caps put over them. Also, she has an extra tooth on her top row. How does that happen? We opted to leave it with all of the other things that were having to be taken care of. Look at this sweet baby girl....I mean BIG girl!

Look at that perfect smile!

I chose not to take/post pictures of her after the surgery.  Honestly, there was no way I could take pictures.  If you have never had to be around a little child after coming off of being put to sleep, count your blessings.  They are horrible.  Poor little things.  They are so out of it, and can't figure out what happened to them.  It was not a pretty site, or sound.  Thankfully, she is doing great now!

Have A Wonderful Day!!

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