Friday, June 17, 2011

Girl's Room Redo

Well, apparently I am WAY behind on this Pinterest thing.  I have been seeing in around on the blog sphere for a few weeks but really never took the time to find out what it was....until tonight.  I finally sat down and dug into it.  And, like everyone else I am BLOWN away!
I have been thinking of re-doing my daughter's room.  But I just didn't know how I wanted to do it.  I wanted it to be girly, but not all pink.  I was ready to move out of the "baby" stage, but not ready for the tween stage.  Look at all of these ideas that I love!

Are you seeing a "theme" here?? Yep, I think I am in LOVE with orange and pink....and Pinterest! Stick around to see some room re-does now that I have an idea to go off of. :)

Have A Wonderful Day!!


  1. Those rooms are beautiful!! Can't wait to see what you come up with! Love those colors.

  2. Hi Christy....thanks for visiting myartycraft.

    The rooms look the pink 'shaggy' rug!



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