Saturday, May 28, 2011

Savings Saturday

Another blah week of sales because....I haven't been to the store all week! ;) I chose to go out of town and spend a few days with my family because of the holiday. That's the wonderful thing about couponing. You can do it when you want too....or not at all.

I did, however, bring some of my stockpilled food with me to mom and dads so that it was less they had to buy. That's another thing....if you coupon share your "wealth". It will make everyone that receives it very greatful that you are taking the time and sharing what you have.

I hope everyone has a fabulous Memorial Day weekend. Be sure to remember all of the ones that have fought for us to have this freedom that we do and the ones that are still fighting.

Have a Wonderful Day!!


  1. I love couponing! Do you use any sites to help you with it?

    A few of my favorites are--
    The Krazy Coupon Lady
    Hip 2 Save
    Mrs. Moneysaver

    I do find it harder to get to multiple stores like I did before I had my third child.

    Hope you find some great deals this week!

  2. I love Hip 2 Save. I also use Southern Savers for my grocery trips. I agree that having three kiddos makes it harder to store hop. I try to focus on one store a week. :)


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