Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Walgreens now has a coupon policy on their website HERE

Walgreens is the most tricky store when it comes to using coupons. Although, after you learn their ropes, it is fairly easy. First off, in the front of every store they have Instant Value Coupon Books. These coupon books are normally by their adds for the week. They are free and contain lots of Walgreen Store coupons. With Walgreens you are allowed to use a Walgreens store coupon WITH a manufacturers coupon on the same item. That is double the savings! :) Walgreens also has Register Rewards (RR) print on certain items that are bought. These come out after you have paid and your receipt prints. They are manufacturers coupons as well and can be used with a Walgreens store coupon, but not with another manufacturer coupon. Periodically Walgreens will aslo release a coupon for $3 off of a $15 purchase or something like that. Register Rewards will not "roll". By "roll" I mean if you get one from purchasing Chrest and try to use that Register Reward (RR) to purchase anothe tube of Chrest...you will NOT get another Register Reward (RR). However, you can buy as many Chrest's for the Register Reward (RR) as you would like, as long as they are in seperate transactions and you do not use a Register Reward (RR) to pay. Walgreens also allows a Buy one get one free (BOGO) coupon to be paired with a Buy one get one free (BOGO) sale that they are running. Therefore making both itmes FREE! :)

The reason I say they are the most difficult is because of their coupon to items ratio. Their registers count the number of items and coupons that you have. If you have more coupons than you do items, it will not let you use extra coupons. As an example: I am buying....1 Pledge, 1 diapers, 1 toilet paper. That is 3 items. However, I have 1 coupon for pledge, 2 coupons for diapers (Walgreens store coupon and a manufactuers coupon) and a coupon for the toilet paper. That would be 4 coupons with only 3 items. The register will beep and will tell the cashier I am not allowed to use the last coupon because I have not purchased enough items. A cheap way around this is to pick up a "filler" item to buy so that the coupons go thorugh ok. A great "filler" item would be a cheap item from the holiday isle (pencils 3 for 99 cents) A cheap peice of candy...anything that is CHEAP! After you throw in a "filler" item, your sale would be able to process.

Another thing you have to remember with Walgreens is to MAKE SURE you had them your Manufactuers coupons FIRST, then hand them your Walgreens coupons. This is so that you can get the items for the Cheapest amount possible. If you hand over your Walgreens coupons first that will change the price of an item that you may have gotten cheaper because of the new sale price. Also, if you have a $3 off a $15 order, that coupon will become FIRST, manufactuers coupons second, and walgreens coupons third! Make sence? lol

Also, you can go HERE to watch a video about shoping at Walgreens with Hip2Save!!  You all know I LOVE Hip2Save an she does a fantastic job of explaining how the Walgreens "game" works!!
As always,  if you have any questions PLEASE leave a comment or let me know. :)

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