Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bib Necklace

I have to admit something.....I am addicted to Jewelry! I LOVE IT! Whether it be classy, antique, gold, silver, small, chunky, any kind of jewelry! So when I seen this necklace I just had to have one!!  Best thing about this project is that I already had everything needed to do it!  So, here is how I did it!

Items you will need:
Old T-Shirt (had in my drawer)
glue gun

First you will need to cut the bottom off of your shirt.
 Second, fold your shirt in half so that you will be able to get 4 circles out of one cut. :)  Saving time!!  I cut different size circles so that it would give the "dimention" in the "flowers".
 Third, I folded my piece of felt in half and cut the size I wanted for my necklace.
 Next I cut all of my cicles like so.
 Stack the "flowers" however you would like.
 Sew the "flowers" togeather.  I used my sewing machine because it is fast.  But you could hand sew this as well. :)
Now is the time to put it all togeather.  Cut 2 pieces of ribbon and hot glue (or sew) one to each side of your felt.  Then you will start placing and hot glueing the "flowers" onto your felt.  (As you place them to hot glue, you will want to pull up on the sides of the others so that you do not glue down any of your "flowers")
In the end you will have this!  It is adorable.  And Big!  I love it!!  The good thing about this is that you can make it as big, or little as you would like!!  Perfect!  I promise I will upload a picture of me wearing it as soon as I get a chance to wear normal clothing (not pajamas! ha) and get out of the house in it!!
Be sure to head over to Sweet November if you love it as well, and show her some love!

Have A Wonderful Day!!

I will be linking up at:

Somewhat Simple

Catch a Glimpse Button


  1. Super cute! You did a fabulous job:) Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks Ladies! I can't wait to wear it!

  3. I like how you made the flowers. And the t-shirt material makes the edges curl, it's pretty! If the t-shirt project I'm working on for 2 months already doesn't turn out the way I want... it's going to become this flowers ;)

  4. Thanks so much. Good luck on your project. :)

  5. Hi! I'm stopping by from One Artsy Mama! This is so pretty and you make it look so easy; I've got to try this :-)
    I'm your newest follower too!


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