Friday, February 22, 2013

Friends suck....

Today has been a horrible day.  This week has been very trying.  My eyes have been opened yet again at how much friends can suck.  Not all friends, of course.  But there are only very few people in life that you will be able to really call true friends.  I have to say, at this point in my life, I'm scared that all of my true friends have already been made.  And I'm also scared to say that I will only ever be able to count those true friends on one hand.  Five fingers, each representing a true friend.

Source: via Christy on Pinterest

I'm trying to get used to this.  But, I have to say, I do not like it.  I want to believe the movies.  I want to believe that there are people out there than can be the best of best friends.  Those that will be there through thick and thin, no matter what.  I'm having the hardest time realizing that God often removes someone from my life for a reason.  And to think before I chase after them.  I cherish my friends.  I do my very best to be the kind of friend in the movies.  And I keep a very small group of what I consider close and true friends.  I do this to keep from getting hurt....or so I have thought.  Yet, I keep getting hurt.

This week I have realized I am too giving. I try so hard to do for others, what I would want others to do for me.  I have a servants heart.  I get this from my parents.  I was taught that if at all possible, you give someone the shirt off of your back if they need it.  And I live my life by this.  I realized today that I still need to be able to set boundaries for myself, and for my family.  Being a caring person, and being a giving person is great.  But, you have to know when someone is taking advantage of you.  And you have to know when too much is too much.


I feel like God is working with me and my friendships.  I'm not sure if I will ever be done with this lesson, but I sure hope I finish soon.  Every friendship that I have found out sucks, I learn something different.  And I'm thankful for that.  But at some point, I'm hoping that I will have learned all that I can.  I am learning these lessons that God is teaching me, but I have also been shutting myself off from other new friendships.  I am scared to make new friends.  I am scared to give of myself again.  Will I ever get past this?

Source: via Christy on Pinterest

I sure hope so.  Until then, I am going to trust God. I am going to pray.  I am going to cry.  I am going to heal.  And hopefully, at some point, I am going to open my heart to more friendships.  Even though I know I could be hurt again.  This is the meaning of life, right?  To live, and grow, and learn, and trust, and get hurt, and move on?  It is time for me to do all of these things.  And it hurts.  Growing is hard.  But it is needed.  Everyone must do it.  Sometimes we just aren't ready for it.  Tonight, I have to be ready.  It is time.  I just hope life and my heart will give me a few days to mourn yet another friendship that has ended.  Friends suck....

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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Car Emergency Kit (With printable list)

Hi friends!!

The past few months I have been thinking about emergency preparedness for my family.  I have never really thought about it, and here lately with the news coverage, and everything going on with our world I decided it was time to get something going.  In today's uncertainty I believe it is best to be prepared.

Since this is all so new to me, I decided to start with our vehicles.  We do not buy new vehicles.  Only used ones for us.  And no matter how "new" they are, things can still go wrong and you can still be broken down in unknown areas.  We do have a great service though our insurance in case this happens, but what if it takes a few hours for someone to get to us?  This past fall that happened to us.  We were one hour from home, and our car broke down.  We had to wait about 2 hours before anyone came to get the car, and a friend came to pick the kids and I us.  During this time the family got hungry and thirsty.   They were also bored.  Now, we will be prepared for that!

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I started by making a detailed list of every possible thing that we may need if we were stranded in our car for a few hours. I know it could happen during the day, as well as at night. So I tried to be prepared for either scenario.
After making my list, I went through the house and gathered things that I already had on hand that we wouldn't miss if it were in the car. By doing this I marked off about half of our list right from the jump.  Next I went through and highlighted what I could get at Dollar Tree.  After gathering what I could there, I hit up our Target and finished the list out there. 

I made sure to have medicines and things like that.  Toilet paper...with kids you never know! ;)  Food and water.  I also found some awesome head lamps in Targets camping area on clearance for $5 a piece!  Score!!  I figured these would come in handy if it were night time, and we needed our hands to be free while still being able to see.

I found a decent sized small tote at Target to keep all of the supplies in, and it will go in the back of my truck.  I believe it was only $7.

I will also change some of the products when the seasons change.  Just to keep the food within expiration date, and the products changed out from summer items and winter items.

If you would like to see a detailed and printable list by clicking on the link below:


What about you?  Do you have a Car Emergency Kit in your vehicles?  If so, what do you keep in yours?  Anything different?

Thanks so much for reading!

I will be partying over here.