Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pinterest: Make Me {Pinecones}

I am LOVING being able to get things off of my pinterest boards by making them!  Have you started making things that you have been pinning yet?  It's kinda like marking things off of your list....if your a list maker.  I'm not a list maker....but I need to be.  Maybe I would get more done, since this is working so well for me!  ;) 

Alright, since it is fall pine cones are everywhere.  We are lucky and have a pine cone tree right across the road, and seem to get more pine cones in our yard, then they do on the other side of the road. So, I put a few of those pine cones to use.  Have you seen this on pinterest....
Super cute, huh?  I love how it is bright colors, but using pine cones.  Here are mine...

It is a great addition to my kitchen.  It is so hard for me to get things by "season" in my kitchen.  I'm not much for decorative towels, so this is perfect!  What do you think?  You like?

I like to link up here!

Have a fabulous day!


  1. I love it! Just in time for the holiday season too :)

  2. I love the bright colors too! I haven't been too successful getting things off pin boards. I guess I'm a list maker & I like adding to lists.

    -caroline @ c.w.frosting

  3. i love those! especially since they are in colors that you can keep inside all year if you wanted to!

  4. What kind of paint did you use?

    1. Hi, I just used normal spray paint. It took a few coats to get the coverage of color that I wanted, but it worked great.

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